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Our primary form of outreach within the Harrisonburg community is demonstrations, which involve various chemical experiments designed to foster a better understanding of the natural sciences, as well as an interest for them. We can either host a lab day at James Madison Universtiy or come to you. Typically, when we travel to off campus locations, we perform the deomnstrations in an auditorium or on a stage; however, we are flexible and can work in a variety of spaces. We are also open to any ideas you may have to make the experience the best it can be for your group. Demonstrations can be adapted for ages ranging from K-!2th grade. Below you can see a few of the many demos we typically perform. If you are interested in arranging a demonstration or would like more information, feel free to contact our demo coordinator


Colored Flames

Srinking a Balloon

Making Silly Putty 

Demo Coordinator

Dariia Yehorova

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